
Make A Move, Life, Counselling, Radinka Jeyathas, Psychotherapy, Counseling Near Me, therapists near me, healing therapy, neuropsychotherapy, nature therapy, counselling services in GTA, therapy near me, therapy consultant, mental health, assessment

Counselling & Psychotherapy Sessions

*All sessions are 1 hour and conducted in-person or over Zoom.
(Clients working with Meena Hira or Dr. Vinita Puri are virtual only)

Consultations: Free

  • Individual consultations are 30 min. and conducted over the phone.

  • Couples & Family consultations are 45 min. and conducted over Zoom.

Individuals: $150 per session

Couples: $260 per session

Family: $260 per session

Edible Cannabis Therapy

*All sessions are conducted in-person only.
*Cannabis not provided.

Part 1 - Consultation: Free

  • 30 min. and conducted over the phone.

  • Post-consultation information includes location and appropriate edible strain to purchase from a legalized store.

Part 2 - Session 1: $450

Part 3 - Session 2: $150

Meditative Therapy

*All sessions are conducted in-person only.

Part 1 - Consultation: Free

  • 30 min. and conducted over the phone.

Part 2 - Session 1: $450 (pre-arranged, sliding scale fee applicable)

Part 3 - Session 2: $150 (pre-arranged, sliding scale fee applicable)

Consulting & Assessments

Rates to be discussed upon request of services.

  • Includes base hourly rate. Per diem and travel expenses added where relevant.



MMLC Office:
#Upper - 163 Vaughan Road
Toronto, ON M6C 2L9

Phone: Psychology Today